Welcome to WiggleBums!
What is WiggleBums? WiggleBums is all about helping owners build, repair and maintain their relationships with their dogs by teaching them how to understand and communicate with them. Many of the problems people have with their pets are due to a misunderstanding of normal canine behavior. My favorite analogy is that of being dropped into a foreign country, unable to speak the language, but needing to communicate basic needs -- how do you communicate when your hosts don't speak your language? For that matter, how do you understand a being that doesn't even speak?
What does 'dog-friendly' mean for you and your dog?
'Dog-Friendly' means that the methods used to work with your dog are based on a positive-reinforcement theory model -- one that's been scientifically proven to be the most effective and least risky in terms of adverse reactions and resulting problem behaviors. And, these methods have been shown to be helpful for improving the human-animal bond, while resulting in measurably higher levels of obedience than traditional, force-based methods*. At WiggleBums, 'dog-friendly' also means 'dog-fun'! Working with your dog doesn't need to be tedious or boring; when it's fun, your dog learns faster and your bond gets stronger -- you'll really enjoy the time you spend together!
So, where did that silly name come from?
I knew you'd ask sooner or later! WiggleBums! was named for my English Cocker Spaniel, Snickers... Snick was the embodiment of HAPPY! He loved to be with people, loved life, loved to learn and his bum never stopped wiggling!
Jo has attained the title of Certified Dog Behavior Consultant and Associate Certified Cat Behavior Consultant from the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants, and is the only Certified Dog Behavior Consultant on the North Shore! Read more about CDBC Certification here.
WiggleBums! now offers private and semi-private Dogs & StorksĀ® seminars. Jo is a Licensed Family Paws Parent EducationĀ® Presenter!
WiggleBums! supports the No Shock Collar Coalition.
If you'd like to add your name to the growing list of professional dog trainers, behavior consultants, pet parents and others willing to take a stand against the use of electric shock collars for training and controlling behavior in dogs, sign up here.
* 'Dog Training Methods: Their Use, Effectiveness and Interaction With Behaviour and Welfare', Animal Welfare #13,2004; Hiby, Rooney and Bradshaw.